At 9.21am on Sunday, November 21, 2010 (following a dismal perfomance by Wales against Fiji at the Millenium stadium) I caught the train from Swansea Central to London. The purpose was to have a personal demonstration of the first truly effective treatment for Cellulite.
The treatment is carried out by a new hand piece for the revolutionary Body-Tite. This gentle treatment took 45mins to perform, under local anaesthetic, with the results being quite breathtaking. The witnessing of this ground-breaking treatment was worth every minute of the 9 hours I spent on the train that day. The disapointment of Wales’ rugby performance the night before was quickly forgotten amid the excitement of the possibilities now available for this most difficult condition to treat, for as most women know, no matter how hard you train or diet, cellulite will not shift.
Dr Alan W Jones, Cosmetic Physician.